A situação do câncer de mama em Goiás, no Brasil e no mundo: tendências atuais para a incidência e a mortalidade


Breast cancer has the highest incidence Resumo O câncer de mama apresenta elevada in- and mortality rates in the whole World, and is a se- vere public health issue. This type of neoplasia has been increasing in the last decades, even in areas of traditional low incidence in part due to changes in the lifestyle and epidemiological profile of the popula- tion. Various developed countries, notwithstanding this incidence increase, have succeeded to reduce mortality through early diagnosis and more effica- cious treatment. This paper compares current breast cancer trend in various parts of World, as well as the possible factors involved in this change of pattern. Especial emphasis is placed on the problem in our country Brazil, and in our city, Goiânia.



Breast neoplasms, Epidemiology, Incidence, Mortaliy, Neoplasias mamárias, Incidência, Mortalidade, Epidemiologia, Neoplasias mamárias, Epidemiologia, Incidência, Mortalidade


PAULINELLI, Régis Resende et al. A situação do câncer de mama em Goiás, no Brasil e no mundo: tendências atuais para a incidência e a mortalidade. Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil, Recife, v. 3, n. 1, p. 17-24, jan./mar. 2003.