Fasceite necrotizante da mama: relato de caso


A case of postsurgical necrotizing fasciitis is presented. A 68- year-old female patient was submitted to a lumpectomy for a big breast lipoma. After surgen there was an aggressive local infection, with extensive necrosis of the breast tissue, including the superficial and deep fasciae and also the skin over the breast. The gravity of the disease and the difficulties in its diagnosis due to the late skin necrosis are emphasized. Under such circunstances an early and aggressive approach is necessary.



Mama: doença benigna, Cirurgia: complicações, Infecção, Fasceíte necrotizante, Breast: benign diseases, Surgical complication, Infection, Necrotizing fasciitis


SILVA, Marco Aurélio da Costa et al. Fasceite necrotizante da mama: relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, São Paulo, v. 20, n. 4, p. 221-224, 1998.