A ira, o trovão e o círculo: aspectos aristotélicos da definição explicativa da essência no de Emendatione de Espinosa

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The present paper's goal is reconstruct some of the historical and conceptual links which connect Aristotle's theory of the triadic definition to the modern theory of the genetic definition specially the one developed by Spinoza in the Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione (this last work being understood as a 17th century's treatise on "material logic" and "Medicina Mentis"). To achieve this goal, the importance of at least one point of Zabalella's interpretation concerning the relationship between definitions and demonstrations within aristotelianism will be indicated. We will try to argue that, despite being critic of aristotelian logic, many moderns such as Spinoza and Hobbes depend on this very logic to elaborate their own alternatives. Towards the end we will mention one relevant aspect this logic-epistemological debate with respect to Spinoza's Ethics. The text will be thus divided into 5 parts: (I) an introduction about the challenges facing an approximation between the De Emendatione and the Organon; (II) a movement from Topics VI, 13 to Posterior Analytics II, 8-10; (III) a movement from Posterior Analytics II, 8- 10 to De Conversione of Zabarella; (IV) a movement from De Conversione to De Emendatione of Spinoza, going through 17th century's question about mathematical certainty; and finally (V) concluding remarks on the ethical relevance of Spinoza's theory of definition.



Definição triádica, Definição genética, Emendatio, De conversione, Quaestio de certitudine Mathematicarum, Triadic definition, Genetic definition, Emendatio


REZENDE, Cristiano Novais de. A ira, o trovão e o círculo: aspectos aristotélicos da definição explicativa da essência no de Emendatione de Espinosa. Analytica, Rio de Janeiro, v. 16, n. 1/2, p. 85-118, 2012.