A democracia como processo: política e educação no pensamento de Tocqueville

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Although we can’t find a systematic text among Tocqueville’s writings debating and analyzing educational issues, there is no doubt that the author is concerned with instruction and civic formation of citizens along his theoretical opera, as much as in the letters and political speeches. Not denying relevance to the educational institutions for the civic formation of citizens in a democratic state, but far from establishing a direct bind between learning and citizenship, Tocqueville shifts the focal point of civic formation to the political action. It is the own exercise of citizenship that prepares to the political life, for he believes that democratic principles like freedom and equality between citizens rise alive only in the measure that men act together in the convivial public arena. Such conception implies to realize that the fate of democracy is not given a priori, but it is only a possibility depending on the men concerned. Starting from Tocqueville’s analysis of the nature of the democratic state, we propose to investigate the development of citizenship by means of political action and to debate the limits and possibilities for the citizen’s formation, trying to extricate the relation between politics and education in his thinking.



Democracia, Igualdade, Liberdade, Processo, Ação política, Cidadania, Democracy, Equality, Freedom, Process, Politic action, Citizenship


REIS, Helena Esser dos. A democracia como processo: política e educação no pensamento de Tocqueville. Contexto & Educação, Ijuí, v. 24, n. 82, p. 97-110, jul./dez. 2009.