Democracia e direitos humanos: uma análise sobre a soberania popular segundo Rousseau

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Although it is customary to refer to Rousseau's thought when dealing with democracy and human rights, it should be remembered - in strict accordance with the lines of Rousseau -that democracy is nothing more than a form of government among other possible forms and human rights is not a concept found in his thought. So, we must raise the question: why is Rousseau remembered when dealing with these issues? My purpose in this paper is to investiga te his contribution to these concepts' formulation process. Thus, by returning to the fundamental concepts of popular sovereignty, government and common good, I shall try to show convergences and tensions between the political participation of the people, government action and regulatory principles applied to all. Thus, I hope to advance the understanding of Rousseau's contributions to democracy and human rights and about their relationship.



Democracia, Direitos humanos, Rousseau, Democracy, Human rights


REIS, Helena Esser dos. Democracia e direitos humanos: uma análise sobre a soberania popular segundo Rousseau. Argumentos: revista de Filosofia, Fortaleza, v. 4, n. 8, p. 46-54, 2012.