Intérpretes de libras-português: dificuldades e desafios no contexto jurídico

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André Nogueira Xavier


In Brazil, academic productions or professionalization initiatives aimed at interpreters of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) - Portuguese, in the legal sphere, are still incipient. Considering this context, this research investigates the main difficulties and challenges faced by professionals who work in the interpreting services of Libras-Portuguese, offered in the legal system of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. In order to reach this objective, we adopted a qualitative approach, exploratory in nature, having as instrument a questionnaire applied to a group of ten interpreters. Theoretical references from the field of legal interpretation studies were used, and the research results, by highlighting the contexts of performance and the difficulties faced by interpreters, can provide subsidies for better planning and practice of professionalization of interpreters working in the legal field.



Estudos da interpretação, Interpretação jurídica, Intérpretes de libras-português, Interpretation studies, Legal interpretation, Interpreters of brazilian sign language-portuguese


RECKELBERG, Saimon; SANTOS, Silvana Aguiar dos. Intérpretes de libras-português: dificuldades e desafios no contexto jurídico. Revista Sinalizar, Goiânia, v. 4, n. 1, 2019. Disponível em: