Leitura e crianças com síndrome de Down: um estudo de caso na biblioteca ASDOWN

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Researches the reading process of children with Down Syndrome and how it affects their interaction with the world around them, with a research conducted at the Asdown of Goiás Library. It was used field research with explorative character, with a qualitative approach, looking to know how the reading happened in the family habitat. It was used as a instrument of collecting data a questioner, that were given to the six participants - mothers and father of the children with Down Syndrome. The results show that all of the responsible believe that reading is something important and necessary for the child’s development and the interaction of the child with the world around them, but, only a few of them encouraged effectively and intensively reading with the children. Among them, only half of the responsible believed that their child was a reader, even with these reporting that the child could grab a book and do their own reading, based on their own interpretation of the story being told in the book. The conclusion is that the encouragement of the responsible is necessary so the child can feel motivated to read and create an affective bond with reading. It’s still necessary to break some paradigms referent to the conception about reading.



Literatura infantil, Deficiência intelectual, Prática de leitura, Children’s literature, Intellectual disability, Reading practice


LEMES, Mychelle Waleska Lisboa. Leitura e crianças com síndrome de Down: um estudo de caso na biblioteca ASDOWN. 2019. 78 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.