Prevalência do tabagismo na polícia militar de Goiás


OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of smoking among the Military Police of Goias State. METHODOLOGY: Conducted a cross-sectional retrospective study from the records contained in the Integral Health Center database of the Military Police (CSIPM) from 2009 to 2013. RESULT S AND DISCUSSION: In 2009, 3458 military police (MP) evaluated at CSIPM, 388 (10.0%) were smokers, 5 (0.1%) were in smoking cessation and 3458 (90.0%) did not smoke. In 2010, 3196 PM assessed, 300 (9.3%) smokers, 6 (0.1%) in smoking cessation and 2896 (90.7%) did not smoke. In 2011 4457 PM assessed, 425 (9.5%) were smokers, 14 (0.3%) in smoking cessation and 4032 (90.5%) did not smoke. In 2012 4664 PM assessed, 396 (8.4%) smokers, 18 (0.3%) in smoking cessation and 4268 (91.6%) did not smoke. In 2013, 1026 PM assessed, 67 (6.5%) smokers, 2 (0.1%) in smoking cessation and 959 (93.5%) did not smoke. CONCLU SION: The prevalence of smoking in the PM was higher in 2009 (10%) and lowest in 2013 (6.5%). We notice that there was a decrease of PM smokers, showing that government policies for tobacco control, such as campaigns, approval of laws, have allowed the population education and influenced the decrease in smoking.



Tabagismo, Centro de Saúde Integral do Policial Militar, Policiais militares, Smoking, Integral Health Center of Military Police, Military police


FREIRE, Cárita Régina da Silva et al. Prevalência do tabagismo na polícia militar de Goiás. Revista Brasileira Militar de Ciências, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 1, p. 19-22, nov. 2015.