Prática arqueológica e memória social: redes de saber e poder nas pesquisas em áreas de expansão de cultivo no interior paulista

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In this article I present some reflections on the current scenario of archaeological research in sugarcane expansion areas in São Paulo state. I highlight the small number of research in these areas, especially those that involve rescue and socialization processes. As a counterpoint, I present the Guarani Program of Archaeological Resources Management, which has registered 62 archaeological sites, some dating between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, referring to discussions about the colonization of the region and the extermination of indigenous groups, problematizating concepts of collective memory, exiled memories and excluded pasts. The choice of certain theoretical positions and methodological practices has made it possible to question the “official” history, which excluded indigenous peoples from local memories.



Arqueologia preventiva, Musealização da arqueologia, Memória social, Preventive archaeology, Archaeological musealization, Social memory


WICHERS, Camila A. Moraes. Prática arqueológica e memória social: redes de saber e poder nas pesquisas em áreas de expansão de cultivo no interior paulista. Revista de Arqueologia Pública, Campinas, n. 7, p. 20-38, jul. 2013.