Filmes sobre a ditadura como arquivos especiais do trauma Batismo de sangue como filme-arquivo

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Films in the dictatorial period may be interpreted as having a special archive structure, connected to the massive image production about memories and discourses referring to the dictatorship; they are artistic pieces related to the imagination about the nation. The choices made, what and how to film, turn the screenplay, the direction, and the production of the films into special types of “archivists”. I propose treating the films that deal with the dictatorial past as archive-films, materials that organize and have items from the past, and due to this are dedicated to the present and thus may “enhance the arrival of the future”. The questioning that this notion of archive brings is political. For that, I highlight the questioning that is possible assessing the Brazilian film named Batismo de sangue (Helvécio Hatton, 2007).



Cinema, Ditadura, Filmes-arquivo, Movies, Dictatorship, Archive-films


SOUZA, Maria Luiza Rodrigues. Filmes sobre a ditadura como arquivos especiais do trauma: Batismo de sangue como filme-arquivo. Ponto-e-vírgula, São Paulo, v. 6, p. 78-92, 2009.