De diferenças e hierarquias no quadro Adelaide às análises situadas e críticas na linguística aplicada

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Based on my analysis of a communicative situation, the TV sketch comedy Adelaide broadcasted in TV show Zorra Total, and its critical context, I present how I have faced the challenge of integrating various aspects of language in analysis, expanding the sphere of research activities and guiding the researches to linguistic aspects of human affairs. In order to accomplish that, I present the contextualization of my research which has led me to select this TV sketch comedy as empirical data and I analyze this material and its critical context. Then I present the situated repertoire that guided me: two major advances that have been adopted by the applied fi eld. Finally, I articulate the consequences of this situated repertoire to an epistemological position that I take and share with other researchers in Applied Linguistics.



Problema de pesquisa, Conhecimento situado, Metapragmática, Diferença, Hierarquia, Situated knowledge, Research problem, Metapragmatics, Difference, Hierarchy


PINTO, Joana Plaza. De diferenças e hierarquias no quadro Adelaide às análises situadas e críticas na linguística aplicada. DELTA: documentação de estudos em linguística teórica e aplicada, São Paulo, v. 31, n. esp., p. 199-221, 2015.