As implicações das formas de representação do tema homossexualidade na CDU

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This undergratuated final project discusses concepts of bibliographic classification and knowledge organization. Proposes a discussion around the homosexuality as a thematic and analyses the treatment that the Universal Decimal Classification provide to the subject in the complete press editions for Brazil, of 1997 and 2007 respectively and the online version. We seek to understand articulations about homosexuality and to observe classifications possibilities within the system. Using a methodological that follows documentary theoretical research, carried out through a bibliographic search, analysis of databases in full printed editions and in the online version of the Universal Decimal Classification. And based in principal authors as Barbosa (1969), Piedade (1977, 1983), Pombo (1999) Fry and MacRae (1985), Giddens (1993), Porfírio (2002) and Sousa (2009). The conclusion points to the lack of in-depht approaches regarding homossexuality, since the analysed editions represented this topic from a prejudiced point of view.



Classificação decimal universal, Representação da informação, Homossexualidade, Universal decimal classification, Information representation, Homossexuality


ROCHA, Daniel de Godoy. As implicações das formas de representação do tema homossexualidade na CDU. 2020. 44 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.