Condição de saúde bucal de idosos institucionalizados em Goiânia- GO, 2003


Objective: To assess the oral health status of the institutionalized elderly in the city of Goiânia in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out based on the SB-2000 Project undertaken by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. The sample was formed by people aged 60 years and above (n=289), living in Goiânia in public and philanthropic institutions for the elderly during 2003 (n=10). Conditions investigated included dental caries, use of and need for prostheses, periodontal status, and soft tissue lesions. Results: The age of the elderly involved in the study ranged from 60 to 103 years. Prevalence of caries and edentulousness was 100% and 69.20% respectively. The mean DMFT (decayed, missing and filled teeth) totaled 30.17% and, of these, tooth extraction was the main component. Nearly half (49.48%) of the sample was using prostheses and 80.28% were in need of some form of it. The most common type of prosthesis was complete denture: 45.33% of the individuals were using them in the upper and 24.57% in the lower maxilla; whilst 59.17% and 51.21% needed them in the upper and lower maxilla respectively. According to the Community Periodontal Index (CPI), only 3 of the elderly (3.37%) had all sextants sound. The most serious condition was calculus, found in 55.06% of individuals and in 29.02% of the sextants. Regarding the Attachment Loss Index (ALI), the most common condition was loss from 0 to 3mm in 37.08% of the individuals and in 24.04% of the sextants. Soft tissue lesions were found in 13.49% of the elderly. Conclusion: The oral health status of institutionalized elderly in Goiânia is poor, mainly due to the high prevalence of caries and edentulism.



Idoso, Saúde bucal, Epidemiologia, Elderly, Oral health, Epidemiology


REIS, Sandra Cristina Guimarães Bahia et al. Condição de saúde bucal de idosos institucionalizados em Goiânia-GO, 2003. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, Rio de Janeiro, v. 8, n.1, p. 67-73, 2005.