Importância das informações prestadas ao paciente antes, durante e depois do tratamento endodôntico: abordagem à luz do Código de Defesa do Consumidor


Introduction: The Consumer’s Defense Code was published twentyyears ago and must be properly understood by all service providers, including those of health care area. In this code, the rights and obligations established for each side (professional and patient) are listed in its contents. Besides that, the legal aspects related to the supply, implementation, delivery, and warranty of products and services offered by dental practice must be obligatorily observed to avoid problems in consumer relations. Objective: Since the endodontist can be ethically and/or legally demanded due to patient’s lack of information about the endodontic treatment performed, this paper aims to discuss, through a literature review, the dentist’s legal responsibility especially considering the Consumer’s Defense Code. Conclusions: The clinician’s responsibility when performing endodontic procedures is demanded at all phases of treatment, even at a certain period after the completion of clinical procedures. Therefore, the clinician should be cautious about establishing a comprehensive treatment planning; employing an Informed and Clarified Consent form; either referring the patient or executing the final rehabilitation as soon as possible; and also determining a follow-up criterion of the cases judged necessary, establishing a follow-up appointment frequency and the necessity of radiographic evaluation.



Endodontics, Informed consent, Consumer protection, Consentimento esclarecido, Defesa do consumidor


SILVA, Rhonan Ferreira da et al. Importância das informações prestadas ao paciente antes, durante e depois do tratamento endodôntico: abordagem à luz do Código de Defesa do Consumidor. RSBO: revista sul-brasileira de odontologia, Joinville, v. 7, n. 4, p. 481-487, out./dez. 2010.