Aguardente de jabuticaba obtida da casca e borra da fabricação de fermentado de jabuticaba

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This study aimed at producing jabuticaba rum by using the byproduct of the production of the wine of jabuticaba (skin and pulp) and assessing its quality through physicochemical analysis and comparing it to the patterns established by the Brazilian legislation regarding the production of fruit rum. The total ester index (357 mg.100 mL–1) was above the one established by the Brazilian law (250 mg.100 mL–1), and it was also high if compared to other fruit rums. As to other variables, such as alcoholic degree values (39 °GL), density (0,95 cm3.g–1), volatile acidity (30 mg.100 mL–1) no discrepancy, was found. Thus, the jabuticaba rum is an alternative for producers since it prevents post-harvesting losses.



Myrciaria jabuticaba Berg, Bebidas fermentadas, Aguardente de frutas, Myrciaria jabuticaba Berg, Fruit aguardientes, Fermented beverages


RAMIREZ ASQUIERI, Eduardo; SILVA, Aline Gomes de Moura e; CÂNDIDO, Marcos Antônio. Aguardente de jabuticaba obtida da casca e borra da fabricação de fermentado de jabuticaba. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campinas, v. 29, n. 4, p. 896-904, 2009.