Construção de habilidades em segurança alimentar e nutricional com titulares de direito do Programa Bolsa Família


The Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF) is recognized as having regular and permanent access to food without any qualitative or quantitative restrictions. Its premise is safe, adequate, and healthy food. This article describes the experience of the project that promoted Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and HRAF alongside citizens entitled to the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) and its staff. Nineteen cities from the state of Goiás were part of this project, including the capital. Training sessions were conducted for health, education, and social professionals that worked with BFP. The staff from Universal System of Social Assistance formulated local action plans. The project staff trained and informed the citizens entitled to BFP through discussions, conversation circles, and cooking workshops. The experience clearly demonstrates how the project was able to equip citizens and staff to produce relevant knowledge and new practices both in their cities and their lives. The involved staff, working groups, and citizens considered this action as important to healthy and adequate food execution and promotion, according to FBP.



Segurança alimentar e nutricional, Programas governamentais, Direitos humanos, Vulnerabilidade social, Food and nutrition security, Government programs, Human rights, Social vulnerability


MONEGO, Estelamaris Tronco et al. Construção de habilidades em segurança alimentar e nutricional com titulares de direito do Programa Bolsa Família. Revista Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, Campinas, v. 22, n. 2, p. 758-765, 2015.