Crescimento e oxidação de explantes de bananeira-prata (Musa AAB) in vitro.IV. Concentrações de sais, ácidos ascórbicos e frequência de subcultivos

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MS medium salt and ascorbic acid concentrations, and subculture periodicity, were evaluated with the aim of controlling explant phenolic oxidation of banana plants, cv. Prata (Musa AAB). All possible combination of salt concentrations of the MS medium (100%, 50% and 33,33%), subcultures periods (each 7 days, each 14 days, and each 28 days after inoculation), and ascorbic acid (0 and 25 mg L-1), were studied. Explant fresh weight, height and oxidation levels were evaluated 28 days after inoculation. Results showed that explant initial growth, determined in fresh weight, was affected by the reduction of MS medium salt concentration when subculture frequency was 28 days. Results was showed that is not necessary addition of ascorbic acid by reduction browning when the salt concentration of MS medium is reduced and the subculture frequency is enlarge, therefore the explant fresh weight was increased.



Banana, Fresh mater, Browning, Banana, Gemas apicais, Matéria fresca, Meio de cultura, Escurecimento


UTINO, Sergio; CARNEIRO, Iraídes Fernandes; CHAVES, Lázaro José. Crescimento e oxidação de explantes de bananeira-prata (Musa AAB) in vitro.IV. Concentrações de sais, ácidos ascórbicos e frequência de subcultivos. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, Jaboticabal, v. 23, n. 2, p. 409-412, ago. 2001.