Narrativas visuais a identidade do goianiense - um olhar a partir do Centro


In this work the theme is the Goian identity, based on the photographic observation making a cut of space and time in the central region of Goiânia considering the most democratic place of the city, for the diversity of people located in the place, bringing a wider understanding on the different forms of representativeness of the Goianian subject. The choice of theme came from the lack of understanding about the identity of the Goianian subject. This lack of current identity representation makes stereotypes that no longer apply to reality become an inaccurate summary of the Goianiense, in which it is still easy to get lost. The project is divided in three stages, theoretical reference, field research and finally the development of the artifact. Through several field studies and exits, several photographic records on different perspectives of the Goianian subject in the Central region of Goiânia were carried out, as a way of comprehending a broader understanding of these subjects. The proposal is to show by means of a visual narrative with photographs, in a booklet project the different forms of representativeness of the Goianiense.



Editorial, Identidade do goianiense, Fotolivro, Editorial, Goianiense identity, Photo book


CABRAL, Bárbara Castro dos Santos; SILVA, Jheniffer Alves; FERREIRA; Pedro Gabriel Alves; RODRIGUES, Samara Núbia Fernandes. Narrativas visuais a identidade do goianiense - um olhar a partir do Centro. 2018. 69 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Artes Visuais, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.