As interações em aulas transacionais de inglês como língua-cultura estrangeira: um enfoque na produção oral dos participantes do processo ensino-aprendizagem

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This article aims to reflect about the interactional process promoted by Brazilian students of English and their Irish ascent teacher in the classroom context. We consider that the interactions investigated can characterize the classes as being transactional, that is, classes which offer the participants moments for instruction as well as moments of interaction. This research has ethnographic and qualitative features, and it shows us, above all, a dialogical profile or oral production in English through which learners reveal their own sociocultural experiences and, at the same time, are involved in the English appropriation process. Thus, it is possible to notice how important social interactions are for the learning of a foreign linguaculture, once both teacher and students can assure opportunities to move among different linguistic and cultural borders, an experience which, hopefully, will be more and more frequent and enriching.



Transactional classes, Aulas transacionais, English as a foreign linguaculture, Oral production, Inglês como língua-cultura estrangeira, Produção oral


FIGUEREDO, Carla Janaina. As interações em aulas transacionais de inglês como língua-cultura estrangeira: um enfoque na produção oral dos participantes do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Revista Língua & Literatura, Frederico Westphalen, v. 11, n. 17, p. 53-78, dez. 2009.