O corpo educado: a escola como dispositivo disciplinador na sociedade de controle


The construction of this paper aims at discussing how the school develops strategies to discipline the student’s body. In order to develop our research, we focused on the genealogical assumptions of Foucault’s studies. In Discipline and Punish, we have searched foundations so that we could observe how his conceptions of disciplinary power open up possibilities of analysis of the individuals’ taming actions. Two of the "resources for proper taming" presented by Foucault are particularly useful for understanding the visibility that the bodies are exposed to: the examination and panoptism. We have also resorted to Deleuze in order to reflect on the possibility that discipline has fallen into crisis since the 1950s as well as see how the disciplinary societies combine together positions of control of the human being as species. We have observed how educational institutions keep on disciplining, not only the students’ bodies, but also individuals’brains in such a way that they internalize integration and exclusionary behaviors which are proper to a controlling society. Our research, in public educational institutions from the contryside of Goiás, was able to capture indicative aspects of a biopolitical context that imposes itself. The surveillance device enables a controlling action concerning the act of wearing earrings, long hair or caps for boys. It is also forbidden to wear short clothes and excessive props for the girls. Even the physiological needs undergo norms so that these young people come into acceptable standards. However, the actions of discipline are not accepted peacefully, because the resistance always allows the appearance of continuous ruptures.



School, Body, Disciplinary device, Escola, Corpo, Dispositivo de disciplinamento


PANIAGO, Maria de Lourdes Faria dos Santos; FERNANDES, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca. O corpo educado: a escola como dispositivo disciplinador na sociedade de controle. REDISCO: revista eletrônica de estudos do discurso e do corpo, Vitória da Conquista, v. 2, n. 2, p. 68-77, 2013.