O romanês falado pelos ciganos Kalderash do município de Aparecida de Goiânia? Goiás

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This work aims to identify the dialect romanês spoken by the group gypsy kalderash, of Aparecida in Goiania, Goiás. In this perspective, I will make a comparative study between the description by Ian Hancock in book A handbook of vlax Romani (1995) on the Romani, universal language of gypsies kalderash, and the description made from my fieldwork in which convivi weekly August 2009 to August 2010 collecting words, expressions of romanês and observing the day to day these gypsies.The objective of this Article is to show that the data collected by me point to the fact that this group not only use the romanês in various situations as conversations between family members, among themselves, gospel religions (they are evangelic), but also maintains much more the original language, the Romany. So, it is possible to conclude that are taken into account the morphological and syntactic aspects of the romanês and its exclusive use between the family and the group, the Kalderash of Aparecida in Goiânia preserve great part of his language.



Kalderash gypsy, Ciganos Kalderash, Romani, Idiom romanês, Romani, Dialeto romanês


MURATA, Elza Kioko Nakayama Nenoki. O romanês falado pelos ciganos Kalderash do município de Aparecida de Goiânia? Goiás. Via Litterae, Anápolis, v. 2, n. 2, p. 368-383, jul./dez. 2010.