A interface entre educação popular e saúde bucal: análise da produção científica


Objecti ve: To analyze the scienti fi c producti on with respect to the popular educati on in health and the interrelati ons with the oral health area between 1990 and 2007. Method: The methodological design was directed to the analysis of the nati onal scienti fi c producti on on “the popular educati on and the interfaces with oral health”, comprehending the period between 1990 and 2007. Informati on was retrieved from the following electronic databases: Virtual Health Library (BIREME), Lati n American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), Google Scholar, Google and Scienti fi c Electronic Library Online (Scielo). In the systemati c search, the following key words were crossed: Popular educati on, Denti stry; Oral health, Popular knowledge; Popular educati on, Caries disease; Popular percepti on, Oral health; Cultural evaluati on, Oral health; Social control, Denti stry. Results: Fourteen scienti fi c producti ons were retrieved in the aforementi oned period. It was observed that most producti ons have focused on discussions regarding the confl ict between the scienti fi c dental knowledge and the popular knowledge. There were few discussions about the social control and the popular parti cipati on. Conclusion: The scienti fi c producti on on this subject is incipient, with a tendency towards anthropological studies that deal with the confl ict between scienti fi c knowledge and popular knowledge in Denti stry. The popular educati on in Denti stry contributes to a criti cism to the exacerbated technicism and mechanicism, and reinforces the idea of reformulati on of the professional formati on that might overcome the technicist and eliti st profi le that sti ll prevails in Denti stry these days.



Educação em saúde, Saúde bucal, Humanização da assistência, Health educati on, Oral health, Humanizati on of assistance


FERREIRA, Gisele Soares dos Santos; MERLIN, Maria Deberges Vieira; FENELON, Raíssa Onara; LEMOS, Cristiane Lopes Simão. A interface entre a educação popular e a saúde bucal: análise da produção científica. Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada, João Pessoa, v. 10, n. 3, p. 457-463, set./dez. 2010.