Leminski e a poesia concreta

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We propose in this study, a reading of Paulo Leminski‘s poetry taking into account his relationship with the concretism and we aim to scrutinize how this relationship is engendered within the field of assimilation and / or references which flock to build the backbone of his artistic profile. Discuss the relationship of the poet with concretism is , among other things, to bring up other references, such as the verification, in his poems, and even in his critical essays, about the affinity with Mallarmé, Pound, Oswald and other poets that underpin the construction of the movement of concrete poetry. The features marked out as important zto weave this "new poetry" were underused in the individual aesthetics of the "rogue poet," who knew too, notably, to be a "warrior" because of its engineering in dealing with language. Upon arriving at the concretism through affinity with the theoretical of the group regarding the creative meaning of theories and ideas that come from the aforementioned classics, but with skill to capture strictly suitable ingredients to the interest of his poetry, the poet blends the rigor (objectivity) of the concretism with the game's humor, vanishing point of the systemic models, ―desanctifying‖ values prevailing in modern society, that is about it.



Leminski, Concretismo, Poesia, Leminski, Poetry, Concretism


NASCIMENTO, Lidiane Alves do; YOKOZAWA, Solange Fiuza Cardoso. Leminski e a poesia concreta. Guavira Letras, Três Lagoas, n. 15, p. 433-448, ago./dez. 2012.