Geografia íntima das coisas: a poesia de Micheliny Verunschk

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We propose to examine the poetry of the things in the book Geografia íntima do deserto, by Micheliny Verunschk, trying to show the relationship of this poetic with a modern lyrical tradition which dating back to, among others, Francis Ponge and João Cabral de Melo Neto. This study seeks to observe how the intimacy is configured in this poetry, which seems to deny it to turn outwards. For this, some exemplary poems from Geografia íntima do deserto will be read. Before that, we will pass through theories of the lyric, from Hegel to modern and contemporaries thinkers in order to reflect about subjectivity, its supposed vanishing in modern poetry, and the possibility of building another figuration of intimacy in a poetry that extinguishes this intimacy of the surface of the text.



Poesia brasileira contemporânea, Poesia das coisas, Micheliny Verunschk, Subjetividade lírica, Brazilian contemporary poetry, Poetry of the things, Lyrical subjectivity


YOKOZAWA, Solange Fiuza Cardoso. Geografia íntima das coisas: a poesia de Micheliny Verunschk. Texto Poético, Goiânia, v. 6, n. 9, p. 239-254, 2010.