Educação e as tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The work entitled, Education and Digital Information and Communication Technologies in the context of the pandemic of COVID-19. It aimed to analyze what are the BNCC guidelines for the use of ICTs in schools and investigate the guidelines of the CNE, about education at the time of the pandemic, we also aimed to observe how the Digital Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) contributed to the event of emergency remote education (ERE). The arrival of the Corona virus in Brazil brought great upheaval, and the educational system was greatly affected, because with the closing of schools, teachers and teaching units were forced to seek other ways to teach. The digital information and communication technologies were used more intensively. Therefore, we sought to understand the guidelines of the CNE about the non presential pedagogical activities, as well as the way that the ICTs have been helping the emergence of remote teaching and if the BNCC guided the use of ICTs in the classroom before the crisis period. For this we ask ourselves, what guidelines for the use of ICTs in schools are contained in the Common National Curricular Base? What are the guidelines contained in the opinions of the National Education Council to schools in the case of emergency remote education? This bibliographic research linked to documentary research, considering that not all research material has undergone analytical treatment, we will follow a qualitative approach in this study. The research revealed that the BNCC in its fifth general competence contains guidelines for the use of ICTs in education, considering several benefits for learning, but in the current context of education in Brazil we can observe that not all educational institutions and schools followed these recommendations, and can be noticed when evaluating the difficulty of many teachers to use digital technological resources in remote classes. This study revealed that in all the opinions of the National Council of Education CNE (nº 05/2020, 09/2020, 11/2020, 15/2020, 16/2020, 19/2020) that deals with education in the pandemic, the council seeks to define measures that guide the schools, educational institutions and federated entities to seek ways to avoid the regression in learning, ensure the bond of students with the school and contact with teachers and colleagues, suggesting non-face-to-face pedagogical activities mediated or not by information and communication technologies. However, what we have identified so far is that not all families are able to help their children in school activities. Many don't have time, some are not literate, others don't have Internet access or don't have the quality to watch online classes and do the necessary research. Many homes do not have an adequate space for the child to do the activities and follow the online classes. Many families have only one cell phone and no computer, which is shared with everyone.



TDICs, Ensino remoto emergencial, Educação, Pandemia


SOUZA, Daiany Alves de. Educação e as tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19. 2021.49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federa de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.