A difícil jornada de quem sonha em ser jogador de futebol profissional

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Oliveira, Victor Hugo Soares de

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The present study aims to observe and understand through theoretical research, together with field research, the negative interference factors in the process of becoming a professional soccer player. After collecting data through a semi-structured interview, we will find out three stories of different young people in the state of Goiás who went through this experience and shared with us the struggle for this desire. The life of those who fight for this dream is full of obstacles and challenges, requiring certain renunciations and extreme determination. This is what we will see in this work, football as a social phenomenon from a historical-cultural perspective, and the awakening of the desire in young people to make a living from this profession, and better, which direction should be taken to make the dream come true. There are many points to be addressed that surround football, from the forms of entry into teams and clubs, to its possible permanence. Finally, there are several factors that influence this process of professionalization, where reaching the professional does not represent living from it, but rather part of the completed dream.



Futebol, Sonho, Jogador, Profissional


OLIVEIRA, Victor Hugo Soares de. A difícil jornada de quem sonha em ser jogador de futebol profissional. 2021. 38 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.