Conto: travessia e liberdade

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The practice of reading undeniably contributes to the exercise of analysis and interpretation of the enunciations found on the different and various discursive genres that are present in the society. Believing in this premise, it has been proposed a research about the power that short narrative could have upon young readers, by running a course, offered as an elective subject to high school students from Cepae/UFG. The course aimed to instigate the interest for the fictional discourse by the readerstudent through a selection of universal and Brazilian literature tales, with the only purpose of reading in the classroom for guaranteeing the reader to get involved in the fiction universe. This work relies on this school practice to reflect upon the literary reading and the formation of readers of a genre which has the mark of transgression, given a language unfolded, polysemic and well-suited to provocation.



Leitura, Reading, Literatura, Conto, Reader formation, Literature, Tale


CRUVINEL, Maria de Fátima. Conto: travessia e liberdade. Polifonia, Cuiabá, v. 14, p. 175-189, 2007.