Educação integral e os espaços educativos: um diálogo necessário


The present study aims to discuss the necessary dialogue between community and school for the design of Integral Education. Part was originally the notion of extended working day and the proposed formation of the subject in terms of its affective, social, political and cultural. This training that transcends the classroom and occupies the territory, the community knowledge and the various social levels. And between the lines reflected the fact that both community and school, are prepared for this challenge.



Escola, Community, Formação do sujeito, Comunidade, Educação integral, Espaço educativo, Formation of the subject, Educational space, Comprehensive education


MENDONÇA, Mercês Pietsch Cunha; LOBATO, Iolene Mesquita; FARIA, Cleonice Borges Ribeiro. Educação Integral e os espaços educativos: um diálogo necessário. Conjectura: filosofia e educação, Caxias do Sul, v. 18, n. 2, p. 123, maio/ago. 2013.