Computational modeling of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams subjected to shear


Computational modeling has become a common activity to Civil Engineering researchers and professionals. Therefore, the knowledge about the mechanical behavior of materials is very important. To correctly model the mechanical behavior of concrete structures subjected to shear stress, it is necessary to determine the shear retention factor that accounts for the friction between the two surfaces of a crack. The objective of this study is to show how the shear retention factor of steel fiber reinforced concrete can be obtained from direct shear tests associated to computational modeling. A concrete matrix with compressive strength of 60 MPa, to which 1% and 2% content of steel fibers were added, was used for the shear tests. The stress-slip relationship was obtained from these tests, and the shear retention factor of the steel fiber reinforced concrete was determined from inverse analysis using the Finite Element Method software DIANA© 8.1.2. Finally, the shear retention factor and the influence of steel fibers on the cracks were validated from the computational modeling of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams subjected to shear available in the literature.



Cisalhamento, Modelagem computacional, Concreto reforçado com fibras de aço, Shear, Steel fiber reinforced concrete, Computational modeling


ARAÚJO, Daniel de Lima; CARMO, L. C.; NUNES, F. G. T.; TOLEDO FILHO, R. D. Modelagem computacional de vigas de concreto armado reforçado com fibras de aço submetidas a cisalhamento. Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, São Paulo, v. 3, p. 68-94, mar. 2010.