Estudo de uma rede de ar comprimido para uma empresa de distribuição de GLP

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In search of reduction production costs, companies are increasingly investing in equipment and projects that bring a reduction in electricity expenditure. Compressed air systems, which have numerous applications, are responsible for much of this consumption in some companies. A Liquefied Petroleum Gas distributor, located in Senador Canedo, Goiás, is restructuring its compressed air system, and after changing compressors and adding pneumatic equipment to the line, the compressed air line is resized. Study the concepts and formulations necessary for this project. First, the line already installed in the company is analyzed, and it is concluded that there is a loss of pressure higher than 1.0 bar (100 kPa), besides generating a high energy expenditure, harming the equipment operation. Then, a new distribution network is projected, with a pressure drop of at most 0.3 bar (30 kPa) from the reservoir to all consumption points. They also propose an increase in the number of reservoirs, with the aim of equalizing the pressure throughout the plant and reducing the number of times the compressor starts during the period without production. Consistent values ​​are reached for main pipe diameters, secondary pipes, branches and supply lines. The importance of regular maintenance on pipelines is highlighted, as leaks are responsible for large losses of pressure throughout the system.



Eficiência energética, Ar comprimido, Compressores, Dimensionamento de tubulações


FERNANDES, Gustavo Pires. Estudo de uma rede de ar comprimido para uma empresa de distribuição de GLP. 2019. 52 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.