Estudo de modificações estruturais em um cabeçote feller tesoura para extração de eucalipto

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work aims to propose structural modifications in a scissor feller head - used in eucalyptus extraction to increase the productivity of this forest implement. Possible modifications that make it possible to increase the head load capacity from 3 to 5 eucalyptus collected in one operating cycle - extraction, rowing and movement - and the reduction of the total gross weight of the accessory are checked. To meet these requirements are studied: a new model of tree support claws; weight reduction of the cutting blade holders; excavator arm coupling bracket; vertical column; and increased upper support geometry. The project perception combined with the comparative analysis of stresses in the critical regions guide changes in the pilot project and result in a new structurally more efficient project capable of collecting 5 trees per operating cycle, however the feller head is 1837 kg - 36 kg more than the other one - and 2.8 m high - 0.3 m higher than the pioneer.



Feller, Projeto, CAD, Extração, Eucalipto, Tensão, Produtividade


VAZ, Pedro Marques. Estudo de modificações estruturais em um cabeçote feller tesoura para extração de eucalipto. 2019. 80 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia ,2019.