Dimensionamento de sistemas de ar-condicionado em consultórios odontológicos para prevenção da COVID-19

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Crispim, Cláudia Maria Gonçalves

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


On March 2020, the World Health Organization declared a pandemic caused by the virus SARS-COV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19 disease. Then emerged countless health protocols, guiding comom people and health professionals on how to deal with the disease on a most efficient way. Many studies were made to undestand the quickly contamination caused by the new coronavirus, among them, some point the influence of air cooling systems on the virus dissemination. On the cooling systems field, known companies such as ASHRAE send guiding lines in order to mitigate the viral propagation through this kind of system. Between these orientations the general exhaustion of the indoor air stood out. In this project were analized three types of cooling systems for a set of four dental offices located on the terrace floor at the Faculdade de Odontologia of the Universidade Federal de Goiás: A system without indoor air renovation, another one with partial inddor air renovation following the ABNT NBR 7256 normative and the Resolução-RDC nº 50 from ANVISA and, at last, a system with total indoor air renovation, in order to follow the ASHRAE (2020) orientation for the COVID-19 pandemic. The results indicate that for the system without the air renovation, the total thermal load was 1,74 TR and the equipment cost to fufill this system is R$ 7.200,00. For the syste with partial indoor air renovation, the calculated total thermal load was 2,26 TR with the total cost from the materials beeing around R$ 19.715,36. While the system with total indoor air renovation, the total thermal load were 4,26 TR and the equipment cost to feed this system were R$ 28.339,96. Evidencing that the bigger the concern about the ambient air quality is, the bigger the cost will be. However, having a system with total air renovation doesn't garantee a noncontamination area, besides that without a proper instalation and maintenance, no air conditioning system is, in fact, safe.



Ar condicionado, Carga térmica, Consultórios odontológicos, Renovação de ar, Air conditioning, Thermalload, Dental offices, Air renovation


CRISPIM, Cláudia Maria Gonçalves. Dimensionamento de sistemas de ar condicionado em consultórios odontológicos para prevenção da COVID-19. 2020. 76 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.