Documentação linguística como parte das políticas de formação intercultural de docentes indígenas

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Ike, kua paperamiri upe akuntai musapiri viagi Tawa upe. Ampinima Nheengatu gramatika, purakisa ixe umbuesara. Yepesa viagi, 2007, apuraki monitora linguístika sui. Ixe, umbuesara Marcos asui 73 uyumbuesara ita Magistério Indígena yampinima kua papera Barekeniwa Taukusa. Mukuimsa viagi, 2007, ixe umbuesara Magistério Indígena upe. Yapuraki narrativas, jornal asui teatro Nheengatu rupi. Musapirisa viagi, 2008, ixe umbuesara Nova Vida upe. Yapuraki muzika Nheengatu rupi. Tenki yambue Nheengatu gramatika narrativa irum.
Technologies of grammatical description and teacher training for documentation, linguistic maintenance and indigenous school education, are important actions to strengthen minority peoples and their languages. In this sense, this paper aims to discuss teacher training processes in an intercultural perspective, supported by linguistic standardization actions that lead students to pay attention on the grammar of their own languages. Therefore, the starting point and empirical basis of the discussion is the experience of elaborating a grammatical description of indigenous language and three experiences of training of multilingual teachers: 1) as an auxiliary teacher in a teacher training course in São Gabriel da Cachoeira-AM (SGC); 2) as a teacher in a teacher training course in São Gabriel da Cachoeira-AM (SGC); and 3) in voluntary course in the community of Nova Vida-SGC. These experiences allow rethinking the supposed opposition between teacher education and grammatical description, besides reconsidering the complementarity between these two practices.



Documentação linguística, Educação intercultural, Formação docente, Pinimasa nheenga resé wara, Mbuesara rikusawa ta resé wara, Mbuesara yumbuesara itá, Linguistic documentation, Intercultural Education, Teacher training


CRUZ, Aline da. Documentação linguística como parte das políticas de formação intercultural de docentes indígenas. Articulando e Construindo Saberes. Goiânia, v. 5, e63405, 2020. Disponível em: