Educação ambiental: presenças e ausências em projetos políticos pedagógicos da educação infantil

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research investigated the issue of Environmental Education contemplated in Pedagogical Proposals aimed at children in Early Childhood Education. It was sought to verify how the discussion of this theme is contemplated, in order of identifying which developments, in a perspective in which children are effectively formed as ecologically participatory people in the socioeconomic and environmental context. The theoretical foundation was based on authors who defend a critical and socially committed human establishment, such as Libâneo (2013) and Gadotti (2001). The investigation of this work had a documental analysis of Pedagogical Political Projects of four institutions of education of Child Education. By reading the institutional documents it was verified that the approach of the thematic environmental education in pedagogical proposals are still incipient of the researched institutions. However, it is clear that the institutions, despite not contemplating a more robust project on the legislation relevant to Environmental Preservation, seek to create a physical environment conducive to the full development of students, in the model of community garden projects, parks, outdoor walks, although these projects are sporadic. The main intention of this Course Completion Work is to give visibility to a dramatic social issue that needs to be on the agenda of discussion on teacher formation.



Formação humana, Ecologia, Projeto político pedagógico, Human formation, Ecology, Pedagogical political project


MORAIS, Manuela Barbosa de. Educação ambiental: presenças e ausências em projetos pedagógicos da educação infantil 2022. 40 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.