O consumidor superendividado sob a ótica da lei 14.181/2021

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


With the democratization of credit, consumers were given greater access to products and services, which had positive and importante effects for the consumer society. However, from another perspective, the credit expansion also led the consumer to na increasing indebtedness. Using the method of literature review, this word seeks to understand the phenomenon of over-indebtedness, its origin, types and causes, in addition to identifying the current situation of the over-indebted brazilian. Such understanding is necessary in order to analyze the Legislation 14.181/2021, known as the “Over-indebtedness Legislation”, recently passed legislation as way to face this phenomenon. In this note, the presente study also seeks to present the changes brought by the new legislation and analyze the effects of these changes for the over-indebted consumer, demonstrating whether this legislative innovation favored the consumer or not. So, the over-indebted consumer was favored and legally protected, because before the new Legislation there wouldn’t be any diferencial treatment relating to what caused the phenomenon. In conclusion, the new Legislation’s intention was to protect the over-indebted consumer in good faith who contracted the debts with the intention of paying them.



Direito do consumidor, Superendividamento, Crédito, Lei do superendividamento, Lei 14.181/2021, Consumer’s law, Over-indebtedness, Credit, Over-indebtedness legislation, Legislation 14.181/2021


ARATAQUE, Milena Campos. O consumidor superendividado sob a ótica da Lei 14.181/2021. 2022. 73 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2022.