As oficinas escolares como estratégia de ensinagem para o ensino de climatologia Geográfica

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This work will be through a survey of Scientific Initiation which is in its start-up that aims to assess, plan, and evaluate strategies while school workshops ensinagem content of climatology. The proposal aims to analyze the school workshops as a contribution in the process of teaching and learning, acquiring knowledge of students through lessons more interactive, with a playful content through differentiated instructional approaches. So these strategies can have a better use of knowledge, as the student teacher as transmitter and receiver of knowledge, where all subjects involved in this process can have a total interaction, because the art of teaching and learning is not something solitary, but of the whole school involved in the mediation, which is individually or in groups. This research is part of a larger project entitled: Elements and phenomena of urban climate in the Metropolitan Region of Goiania - GO and its use in teaching research relates Climatology Network for Research and Education City - RePEc where an issue is being produced climate of RMG. Aiming at improving the teaching and learning of school education in the city using examples on climatology so that students can relate to your everyday life, content exposed. The booklet offers entertainment content to facilitate the teaching-learning process that propose the involvement of undergraduate, graduate, teachers of the Network of Basic Education and Higher. The research is justified in a small approach on teaching geographical climatology, allowing more people to come and develop an interest in work related to this area of education. Through this work we aim to teachers to improve their knowledge in new didactic and pedagogical techniques of teaching and learning so that they have an effective performance to teach the Climatic content to their students. In order to reveal a new way of using ensinagem techniques for teaching students with geographical climatology of the final years of primary school, the choice of higher education is justified by the greater concentration of content related to climatology and geographical curricula guidelines education and also thinking that the small age range of students, play activities allow further development in teaching and learning, because they leave less expository classes, ie, more dynamic, interactive and with better results in the assimilation of the content taught. Have the teachers of geography teaching strategies emerge as an alternative methodology that can assist in building climate concepts to students, allowing classes more participatory, promoting dialogue and debate among the subjects of the teaching process. These techniques are discussed in school workshops with the aim of revealing and understanding the role played by ensinagem strategies, with the development of didactic-pedagogic, assessing how students assimilate this content that will be passed through this methodology, which avoids the traditional model of lectures and dialogued in order to make lessons more participatory and in different environments such as laboratories and classrooms environments, so expect more interaction of student, teacher and content to be studied geographical climatology. The differentiated teaching strategies enable teachers of Geography using new techniques to develop critical thinking of students, to promote the construction of knowledge. Thinking about this proposal, which we believe the workshops enable and make the school environment more dynamic and interesting, both for faculty and for students, we are developing research in order to create and establish methodologies for teaching Geographical Climatology. Our research is developing, in which we are conducting a literature on thematic strategies ensinagem, teaching demonstration, technical workshops, teaching Geography and Climatology. Soon after this phase there will be disseminated to the public school system of the RMG; research didactic-pedagogic experiences in books and textbooks of climatology, the formation of a group of experimental implementation of workshops for teachers, in which they evaluated the relevance of the strategy because they would get better results together students, leaving the suggestions for improvement of these techniques ensinagem. So pick a school for implementation of workshops with students, to check how the workshops enable improvements in teaching and learning of students. Assess the relevance and contribution of workshops on teaching and learning process, such as the contents of the workshops that were clarified and not by the students, which they had difficulties and what proposals to overcome them. Finishing with a report scoring results of the work. On completion of this research aims to collaborate in the teaching learning content climatology, intensified through the mediation of didactic and pedagogical workshops in grades 6th year of elementary school. That may assist in further studies related to geographical climatology related to education, because few references to this theme. Along with the experimental group of teachers from public schools is expected that these teaching strategies contribute to their learning approach with the university allowing the strengthening of the process of continuing education for teachers of Geography. That along with students at higher assimilate the contents of geographical climatology through school workshops. For us future teachers to discuss the importance of teaching strategies, establishes broad contribution to our teacher training. Emphasizing that during the course of this work experience in undergraduate research and academic education will have a broad contribution that through bibliographic analysis of the content and processes of climatology didactic teaching, interaction with students in the application of geographical climatology workshops where can evaluate the entire process of teaching learning from research, planning, implementation and evaluation of workshops as contributing to the student in the process of teaching and learning with their better assimilation of the content. May develop in students and in us critical thinking about geographical climatology.




ANTONIO, Emmanuele Rodrigues; OLIVEIRA, Adriana Olivia Sposito Alves. As oficinas escolares como estratégia de ensinagem para o ensino de climatologia Geográfica. Revista Geonorte, Manaus, v. 1, n. 5, p. 80-87, 2012. Edição especial 1.