O sentimento inqueeretante na cisheteronormatidade à luz da Psicanálise

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In this work, a theoretical-conceptual study is carried out on the concept of disquieting elaborated by S. Freud in Das Unheimliche in 1919. From this concept and the dialogue between psychoanalysis and queer theory, a neologism, the inqueerant, was created to understand the relationship between the disquieting and the rationality of the Cisterenormative culture, as well as the cultural, social and psychological developments that result from this relationship, which has queer subjects as its main target. a certain symbolic form in the ambit of culture that cancels out any form of indeterminacy. Finally, it is discussed from contemporary authors the unquiet feeling in contemporaneity. The work starts from the psychoanalytic perspective in dialogue with queer theory



Psicanálise, Inquietante, Inqueeretante, Queer, Cisheteronormatividade, Psychoanalysis, Unsettling, Disquieting, Queer, Cisheteronormativity


AZEREDO, Karina Morais de. O sentimento inqueeretante na cisheteronormatidade à luz da Psicanálise. 2022. 46 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.