Um prato cheio de conhecimento: concepções de profissionais de um CMEI sobre a formação para uma alimentação saudável

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This monograph aimed to investigate the conceptions of education professionals from a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education (CMEI) on training for healthy eating. For this, the work is based on the binomial of caring and educating that governs Early Childhood Education institutions, which are privileged spaces for the promotion of healthy eating habits, bringing the concepts of healthy eating, commensality and the act of eating as a culture. Using Vygotsky (1991) and Leontiev (2010), we seek to recognize social relationships as a means of establishing meanings at the time of eating, with the teacher being the facilitator in the process of children acquiring food awareness. For this, a qualitative approach research is used, of the exploratory type, which was divided into two stages. The first consisted of a theoretical research divided between: bibliographic and documental research. The second stage comprised field research, setting up a case study that had as data collection procedures the questionnaire and the execution of a conversation circle. These methodological steps made it possible to relate theoretical concepts with the data produced in concrete reality. As a result, it was revealed that there are many difficulties faced in working on the theme of healthy eating in institutions, from the lack of specific training of education professionals, the lack of support actions by the Department of Education and, even, the lack of awareness of the families involved. It is worth noting that this theme is widely discussed and worked on at CMEI, however professionals remain resolute in their practices, given the deterministic nature of the menu offered by the Department of Education, in addition to the incipient training to address the subject. In this way, it is emphasized that more investigations are needed on the subject and its developments that were raised during this research, how to deepen the knowledge of how the process of learning and development of food awareness takes place, starting from Vygotsky and Leontiev and continuing education for education professionals.



Alimentação saudável, Educação infantil, Cuidar e educar, Consciência alimentar, Healthy eating, Child education, Care and educate, Food conscience


COSTA, Victoria Miranda da Silva. Um prato cheio de conhecimento: concepções de profissionais de um CMEI sobre a formação para uma alimentação saudável. 2022. 67 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.