Sobre corpos isolados na imagem: a mise en scène em Sangue negro, de Paul Thomas Anderson

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The article aims to investigate elements of mise en scène present in There will be blood (2007), directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, associating them with the functions of film style described by Bordwell (2008). From a qualitative approach and using film analysis as a method, the research was based on three moments of the movie, chosen from our interest in studying how Anderson leads the positioning and movement of actors within the frame. As a result, we observe that the filmmaker, based on a constant interest in the minimum aspects of the twodimensional image, bets on a recurring game of watching and unveiling in which not only bodies and faces are concealed and assumed but also important subjective representations that act towards a better understanding of the narrative.



Cinema, Mise en scène, Sangue negro, Estilo, Paul Thomas Anderson, Cinema, Mise en scène, There Will Be Blood, Film Style, Paul Thomas Anderson


RABELO,Thiago da Silva; BORGES, Rosana Maria Ribeiro. Sobre corpos isolados na imagem: a mise en scène em Sangue negro, de Paul Thomas Anderson. Intexto, Porto Alegre, n. 50, p. 178-198, set./dez. 2020.