A responsabilização civil e criminal do agente policial pelos excessos praticados durante a legítima defesa própria ou de terceiros à luz do direito penal brasileiro

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This paper aims to study the exclusion of illegality, more specifically, about self-defense and the analysis of punishable excesses practiced on its behalf. To this end, based on the deductive method and through qualitative bibliographical research, the work is developed from the analytical concept of crime, which consists of a typical, unlawful and culpable fact. Subsequently, it will deal with the exclusionary causes of illegality in the light of the Brazilian Penal Code and the majority doctrines, aiming to demonstrate their respective concepts and requirements for application. After this, the work will move on to the main study, self-defense, seeking to deepen its conceptualization, its main species, as well as an analysis of the excessive conduct of the agent, who, if he exceeds the limits of the permissive norm, intentionally or unintentionally, must answer for his excess, in the terms of the sole paragraph of art. 23 of the Penal Code. On the other hand, it will be seen that the agent who reacts in self-defense, taken by disturbance, fear or fright, acting in an unexpected way, not premeditated, the jurisprudence has recognized as a cause of elimination of guilt, for not being able to demand a different conduct from the agent. Finally, an analysis will be made of the possibility of civil and criminal liability of the police officer, when his reaction exceeds the limits necessary to characterize legitimate self-defense.



Crime, Excludentes de ilicitude, Legítima defesa, Excessos


ANJOS, Álvaro Soares Cândido dos. A responsabilização civil e criminal do agente policial pelos excessos praticados durante a legítima defesa própria ou de terceiros à luz do direito penal brasileiro. 2023. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) – Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.