Interstícios - um olhar à deriva pelas áreas residuais de Itumbiara

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The production of residual spaces is a feature common to the most diverse cities, despite all the efforts of urban planning and its contributions to territorial organization. Residual urban areas are characterized by the prior and specific lack of definition of uses, they are often rejected, but tend to welcome social, artistic and cultural groups and manifestations that are unable to establish themselves in other parts of the cities. Therefore, they are spaces endowed with potential and that are always waiting for experiences and appropriations. In this sense, it is assumed as the object of study of this research a right of way corresponding to electric power transmission lines, located in Itumbiara - GO. Such residual spaces, divided into five large plots of land, confront four distinct neighborhoods and, despite not receiving full control actions by the municipal public power, they shelter various appropriations and natural and popular manifestations. In this way, the present research aims to recognize, through the experience of direct immersion in space, aspects and latent potentials of the right of way, as well as to identify the collaborations of walking practices and their sensitive records for future analyses, design studies and interventions. Thus, this work was carried out using the following methods: bibliographic research, on the main concepts covered (residual areas and direct experience), cartographic surveys, case studies and, especially, field trips, based on Guy Debord's drifts and on the psychogeography, enabling a non-objective reading of space, but made through the senses. These readings were expressed in textual images that make up the “Walking Diary” and in photographic images that appear in the attached material “Andanças”. In view of these considerations, it is expected that the work will contribute to future research on residual areas in the urban fabric and its sensitive relationships with the community and that it can also serve as support material for future intervention projects that may be carried out in the city Itumbiara easement strip.



Experiência direta, Direct experience, Áreas residuais, Residual areas, Derivas, Drifts, Registros, Records, Imaginário, Imagery


SANTOS, Thiago Lopes Oliveira. Interstícios - um olhar à deriva pelas áreas residuais de Itumbiara. 2022. 154 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiás, 2022.