Vitrine verde: a publicidade ambiental sob a perspectiva da sociedade de consumo

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Universidade federal de Goiás


Environmental disasters and the consequences of the use of natural resources were plundered emerge the need to conduct a more sustainable by each individual requiring the assumption of a new position as consumer-citizen. The reflection of this new search posture is the constant presence of the theme and agenda of all types of media. The behavior molded since the emergence of the consumer society and worse still deeply aggravating the situation on the planet. Thus, the advertising that appears as one element of this society of craftsmen Consumption search now, in his speech, the call for sustainability and consumption, but still, with the aim of promoting increased sales of products. Understand how it appropriates this new paradigm in a society governed by and for consumption, is the objective of the study. Through investigation of how this society was established in consumption and what was the role of advertising in this process will allow a critical reflection on the elements that constitute this category to which ecopropaganda now call seeking recognize how and with what goals it makes use of speech sustainability as part persuasive.



Sociedade de consumo, Publicidade, Intermediários culturais, Ecopropaganda, Society of consumption, Advertising, Cultural intermediaries


FREITAS, Thaysa Mazzarelo de. Vitrine verde: a publicidade ambiental sob a perspectiva da sociedade de consumo. 2008. 105 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.