Morning routine: a dupla significação na sequência de abertura de dexter

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Universidade federal de Goiás


Early cinema was marked by constant experimentations, but those working with this new technology didn‟t know the power of that machine that they had in hands, they were testing all sort of thing heading into unknown, amazed by the possibility of reproducing movement. Those experimentations turned into codes that were able to conduct the viewer through the movie‟s Reading, building meanings. Cinematographic language turned those codes in style patterns. Through the years those patterns evolved with the cinema spectators, and were easily perceived and assimilated by the public. When TV was born it took some of those codes to itself and started using then in its own productions trying to reach public acceptation. So those codes started to be used to create new types of effects in audiovisual productions. This work, through the analysis of aesthetic styles that cinema use to construct its meaning, will test if when used together those styles can successfully create a new narrative layer. Thereunto we will analyze a product that we believe holds this multi-layer effect, Morning routine, the main title sequence of Dexter.



Linguagem cinematográfica, Narratividade, Experimentações cinematográficas, Cinematographic language, Dexter, Narrativity, Experiments in cinema, Morning routine


REZENDE, Danilo de Castro. Morning routine: a dupla significação na sequência de abertura de dexter. 2010. 46 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.