Práticas de leitura de adolescentes e jovens do colégio Lyceu de Goiânia do primeiro ano do ensino médio, matutino e noturno

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Universidade Federal de Goias


A country develops when education is conceived not only as a tool for promoting statistical numbers of governments, but as a strategy to promote and practice of citizenship. It aims to reflect on the reading practices of students, teenagers and youths in public schools that are not seen as readers, are considered uninterested and not participatory educational process, thus creating a bias around the young man as if he does not like to read . The reading habit needs to be inserted, stimulated and trained from childhood activities will encourage reading are essential in any school. Reading together the technologies is gaining new spaces, conquering frontiers, acquiring new paradigms, crossing barriers of knowledge and generating achievements, so that new concepts are achieved and prejudices are eliminated, thus ensuring full understanding of freedom of man, which arises through reading, multidisciplinary knowledge. The school as a driver of knowledge allied to practice as a mediator and encouraging reading along to society, promotes social interaction and culture of their students, making - able to acquire the knowledge to understand your rights and duties as citizens and ethical critics. Seeking an understanding to analyze what are the difficulties presented by the students in relation to the practice of reading and interpretation of reading, seeks to ascertain what the teen and young love to read more and students, the public has internet access. Looking investigate what are the difficulties encountered by students in relation to reading, checking, for what purpose the public school students use the Internet. The contributions come from theoretical studies of cultural history with Abreu. (2009), Chartier (2001-2012), granddaughter Aurora (2008), and Vannuchi Novaes (2004), Space (2006), among others. The discussions are analyzed from this reasoning, and research, with students from 1st year of high school, college State Lyceum of Goiânia. Through the voices of the interviewees allowed to say that teenagers and young adults are readers and relate various forms with reading, both in formal and informal space. This fact points to the need to equip the school with new media and readings resinificar the discourse around youth and adolescents.



Práticas de leitura, Preconceito de Leitura, Interação social e cultural, Escola pública, Conhecimento multidisciplinar, Social and cultural interaction, Public school, Reading practices, Prejudice reading, Multidisciplinary knowledge


LIMA, Maria Divina de Sousa. Práticas de leitura de adolescentes e jovens do colégio Lyceu de Goiânia do primeiro ano do ensino médio, matutino e noturno. 2013. 58 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.