Espaço físico e condições de segurança para biblioteca escolar: estudo da Biblioteca João XXIII, do Instituto Maria Auxiliadora

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Universidade Federal de Goias


The present research had as its main goal to check the physical space´s suitability that is reserved for João XXIII Library, from Maria Auxiliadora Institute / IMA, which is in Goiânia/Goiás. This check was made from the founded patterns in literature, such as: physical space basic conditions, ventilation, color, floor, lights, room temperature, humidity, layout, safety conditions, furniture and the collection storage. The field of study for this research was limited, as mentioned before, from João XXIII Library, that is located at Comendador Germano Roriz Square, in Goiânia/Goiás. It serves to users both from kindergarten and elementary school. The research was classified as exploratory and descriptive. Regarding the methodological terms, they were developed into the following steps: bibliographic survey on the literature and the developing of an organizational diagnostic guide, which was used with the person currently responsible for the library. The collected data were organized in charts (quantitative data) and theme categories (qualitative data). For data analysis, it was used the stablished patterns located inside the literature, the collected data through the organizational diagnostic and the reflections made by the author. From these reflections, it was possible to determine the strong and the weak spots. Regarding physical space (size, location and distribution), the library chosen faces problems, and the solution / reduction of these problems implicates the enlargement of its current physical space and a new location for the library. Regarding furniture (amount, acessibility and composition), it´s necessary to buy more tables and chairs, attendance to the rules and the use of pattern steel bookshelves. Regarding the floor, it must be added a non slip flooring. The natural lights must be re-planned. The room temperature and the humidity must be controlled. The layout must be re-thought, since the current one it´s not convinient when facing the lack of space. The safety conditions must be planned, since they don´t face the pertinent patterns. From these factors, there are some alternatives presented in order to enlarge the amount of its physical space use.



Biblioteca escolar, Arquitetura, Espaço físico, School Library, Physical Space, Architecture, Condições de uso, Padrões arquitetônicos, Conditions of use, Architectural standarts


SILVA, Eliane Pereira da. Espaço físico e condições de segurança para biblioteca escolar: estudo da Biblioteca João XXIII, do Instituto Maria Auxiliadora. 2012. 81 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.