Referências musicais do passado a juventude atual: a presença dos jovens no show do Paul McCartney em Goiânia

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Lima, Luana de Souza

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This paper seeks to comprehend, from an understanding of how individuals' tastes are formed, of how young people relate and the identification processes with musical references from the past, and to what degree the family and the media while institutions transmitting of culture influence this relationship; what leads young people to enjoy music from decades past. For both, is taken as the study object the Paul McCartney concert (artist who was at the pinnacle of success during the '60s as a member of The Beatles) performed in Goiânia, on May 6, 2013, which attracted a large portion of young people. For answers to the question, chooses up to interview as research method applied to a sample of informants comprised of young people who were at the concert. Search up in the speech of the respondents the reasons that made them go to the concert of an artist who is not current, and enjoy old songs. From the analysis of the interviews it is verified that the family overlaps the media as the most influential in shaping the tastes of young people, specifically with regard to musical references from the past.



Referências musicais do passado, Show do Paul McCartney, Jovens mídia


LIMA, Luana de Souza. Referências musicais do passado a juventude atual: a presença dos jovens no show do Paul McCartney em Goiânia. 2013. 100 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.