Ácidos orgânicos: dos primórdios da química experimental à sua presença em nosso cotidiano


Due to the very little socio-cultural contextualization available in high-school textbooks concerning organic substances and that these are commonly addressed only on the aspect related to the nomenclature of organic functions, the present paper aims at showing the importance of organic acids as substances present in daily life, as well as the relationship between the discovery of these acids and chemistry development itself. Thus, this paper has the goal of contributing subsidies that help teachers attract the attention of students in high-school classes.



Ácidos orgânicos, Biomoléculas, Cotidiano, Organic acids, Biomolecules, Daily life


FIORUCCI, Antônio Rogério; SOARES, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa; CAVALHEIRO, Éder Tadeu Gomes. Ácidos orgânicos: dos primórdios da química experimental à sua presença em nosso cotidiano. Química Nova na Escola, São Paulo, v. 15, p. 6-10, maio 2002.