Soroepidemiologia da infecção por Leptospira spp. Em bovinos, equídeos, caninos e trabalhadores rurais em assentamento no município de Aragominas, Tocantins, Brasil

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The main economic activity of the state of Tocantins, in Brazilian Amazon is cattle farms, with extensive breeding. Looking for contribution to cattle sanity, this study was devoted to the prevalence of antibodies against Leptospira in livestock of those farms, as production animals (cattle and equids), dogs and animal workers, from a rural governmental settlement in Aragominas, in the northwestern part of Tocantins. The statistically proofed sample was composed by 242 cows, 78 equids, 59 dogs and 41 animals workers, distributed in 38 small properties. All sampling was performed after informed consent, written in the case of human beings. For the diagnosis of leptospirosis, microscopic seroagglutination was performed in the Laboratório de Diagnóstico de Leptospirose do Setor de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva da Escola de Medicina Veterinária da UFG, Goiânia-GO. The seroprevalence for Leptospira spp in cattle was 76,5% [70,7% 81,7%], with serovar predominance of Hardjo (26,2%), followed by Wolffi (23,4%) Hebdomadis (14,1%), Castellonis (11,7%), Grippotyphosa (9,1%) e Pyrogenes (4,8%). In equids the seroprevalence was 79,3% [68,9% 87,4%], with agglutinins more intense to wild life serovars Castellonis (24,4%), Grippotyphosa (13,7%), Patoc (13,1%), Butembo (8,9%), Pomona (7,1%), Hardjo (6,6%), Pyrogenes (6,6%) e Wolffi (6,6%). Dogs presented seroprevalence of 30,5% [19,2 43,9], prevailing Canicola (26,3%), Hardjo (13,3%), Bratislava (10,0%) and Pyrogenes (10,0%). Human leptospirosis seroprevalence in animal workers was 31,7% [18,1%-48,1%], cwith detections of serovars Hardjo (26,3%), Grippotyphosa (15,8%), Pyrogenes (10,5%), Wolffi (10,5%), Autumnalis (10,5%) e Bratislava (10,5%). Looking for association with environmental and breeding conditions, the seroprevalence was associated in cattle to Bos indicus cattle (OR=7,51; [0,99-56,97]), in equids to the use of antihelminths (OR=7,64[0,95 61,50]) and for dogs with use for shepherd cattle (OR=4,44[1,35 14,58]). These data point to endemicity of Leptospira infection in the area and are highly suggestive of extensive environmental contamination with wildlife and production animal serovars. These results also emphasize the importance of the control of livestock leptospirosis, lowering environmental contamination and allowing better animal sanitation, with measures that could be implemented in new adequate settlements.



ARAÚJO, Bruno Medrado. Seroepidemiology of Leptospira spp. In cattle, horses, dogs and farm workers in a settlement in the municipality of Aragominas, Tocantins, Brazil. 2010. 127 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.