Cultura e instituição escolar: os processos de dominação e a organização, a gestão e as práticas docentes

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Taking part of the research line State and educational policies of Post-graduate program in education of Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Brazil, this work analyzes the interference of cultural dimensions with inner dynamics of schools, putting out its implications on organization, management and effectiveness of teachers work. Further, the investigation identifies values, principles and symbolic connections shared in a determined society and, overall, how these elements are interpreted by the ensemble of school agents. These cultural aspects are analyzed with basis on works of many authors, especially from Social Anthropology an Educational Sociology. Hierarchy, personal relationships, political favoritism, religious moralism are important conceptual references of this work, produced with basis on works of the following authors: Raimundo Faoro, Roberto Damatta, José de Souza Martins, José Murilo de Carvalho and Carlos Rodrigues Brandão. The analyses of those concepts has as aim to demonstrate the established intersections between bureaucratic, political and religious power inside a schooling institution as well as to offer evidence to the symbolic articulation performed by political field, able to transform this set of cultural elements in meaningful domination processes inside schooling field. Pierre Bourdieu s theory of social fields turns these analysis deeper when it investigates the inner dynamics of articulated fields to schooling agents cultural universe force. In order to apprehend the interference of cultural dimensions and its mediations in schools, the option was an ethnographic research. From this view a study of a collective case, fulfilled in two public schools in Morrinhos, State of Goiás, Brazil, was the adequate strategy to identify singularities, differentiations and, at once, similarities between the studied cases. The data were collected by means of participant observation, semi structured interviews and analysis of schools documents. The results show that the actions developed in schooling institutions are mediated by cultural tradition, especially by personal relationships, by religious moralism, by hierarchy and by politic favoritism, all of them capable to define types of power relationships and to determine school agents behaviors



SILVA, Luis Gustavo Alexandre da. Culture and schooling institutions: domination, organization, management processes and teaching practices. 2009. 219 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.