Religiosidade e devoção: as festas do Divino e do Rosário em Monte do Carmo e em Natividade - TO

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


With the purpose of scrutinizing the specifics of some of the religious parties, elected as the locus of this research, two festivals: the Holy Spirit and Our Lady of the Rosary on Monte do Carmo and Natividade; towns from the gold cycle, in the eighteenth century and belonging to former northern Goias, current state of Tocantins. Studies on religious parties and has been increasingly developed in the historiography. Thus, this research aims to highlight the everyday experiences of popular religious devotion held annually in both cities. Such events are expressed through a diverse set of rituals pertaining to the cycle of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and Holy Ghost. Also intends to show that such demonstrations represent and reinforce the ritualistic social systems and hierarchical, and a joint incorporation of both elements of modernity and traditional. The research encourages the reader to reflect as parties transplanted from Europe and Afrique to colonial Brazil can be perpetuated until the present time, becoming an important event in local communities, allowing the strengthening of family ties and contributing to the construction and reconstruction of identities local and regional. To support the construction and reconstruction of scientific study enrolled to documentary sources of public and private archives, documents, manuscripts of brotherhood, official letters, journals, oral testimony. As a source of bibliographic support, we use texts from various scholars dealing with the issue in Brazil, Goiás and Tocantins. By doing a comparative analysis it was observed that although the historical origin of the festivities of the Holy Spirit is the same, the paths taken by two different cities experiencing the ritualistic practices, although similar. Many of the existing elements in the celebrations of the Holy Spirit of Monte do Carmo not exist in the Natividade and vice versa. However, it is interesting how an "invented tradition" by a white elite in the colonial period, aiming to provide, among other things, the conversion of the Negroes to Catholicism, can be reinterpreted and reformulated later by a community, going to represent the identity of community.



MESSIAS, Noeci Carvalho. Piety and devotion: the festivals of the Divine and the Rosary on Monte do Carmo and Nativity - TO. 2010. 352 f. Tese (Doutorado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.